Meet the Bookedin Team
We’re a small team of dedicated people here to help solve your appointment scheduling challenges. Each of us has our own work-related superpowers.

“We know the inner workings of quantum physics these days but for some reason we still struggle to manage a hair appointment. Solving the end-client’s headaches, that’s what drives me now.”
By day, he’s our tenacious-tech leader. By night he’s a devoted father, lover of cats, and passionate ice hockey fan and coach. Mike ran a software consulting business since before his kids were just a twinkle in his eye and has launched several businesses over the years. Today he’s hell-bent on building software to help make appointment scheduling easier for everyone.

“What’s the biggest challenge in your business right now? This is the question that gets me up in the morning. I love helping people solve these things.”
Once described as having an effervescent personality, we think it might have something to do with the 8-pack of LaCroix water under her desk. Favorite saying: “What’s next?” Favorite pastime: Helping people grow their business. If you’re up for a chat, ask her about personal finance, sci-fi novels or fancy cheese.

“We are constantly trying to simplify the Bookedin process and get it accessible to more and more users”
He came to us from an unknown land, bearing nothing but a loincloth and… a keyboard? OK, not exactly but he’s traveled to many exotic places. Patrick has an intense work ethic and serious programming skills, not to mention some incredible photos from his many adventures.

“I like the way we simplify things for the clients.”
To most, he’s Luis the strong, silent dude who likes to tinker with computers. But to us, he’s known as “The Painter”. A master software artist with an unbounded palette of languages and tools at his disposal. His natural skill, pragmatic approach and “get it done!” attitude makes him a real superstar. Just don’t call him Rembrandt.

“I LOVE to finish stuff. Not only in work, but in my daily goals in life. Every day I think to myself, ‘I will finish this and this today.’ If I do that, I feel great.”
When he was just 11 years old, Aneudy’s love for programming was sparked by an episode of the TV show Ghost Writer. Ever since then he’s been dancing circles around code with a smile on his face. His superpower? Getting stuff done. Not to mention playing guitar in a mariachi band.

“Your clients are our clients.”
Sheila enjoys the company of others and helping those who find themselves lost in the maze of life. You’ll often find her browsing antique stores for retro accoutrements or exploring local micro-breweries. We’re still not sure if she’s a time-traveller from the era of diners and poodle skirts or possibly a reincarnated motorcycle racer.

“I live by the golden rule. So in everything, do to others what you would want them to do to you.”
One of the friendliest people we’ve ever met, Geno is pure positivity. He’s a skilled tech support agent who’s traveled the world helping businesses use software to achieve peak satisfaction levels. Other tools in his Swiss army knife include basketball ally-oops with his 3 boys, baking pastries with his wife, and teaching over 200 kids all about the bible.