The Bookedin Story

In 2010 we set out to end the chaos caused by appointment scheduling. We were frustrated by how painful it was to book appointments for common services, so we built software to make it easy for clients and businesses to schedule appointments online. Today our goal is much the same, but we learned something else along the way. Being of service to people is one of the most fulfilling things in life. So our mission is to make it easier for people to serve one another.

Mike IwasiowBookedin Founder

How it all began

“A long time ago a friend of mine who owns a massage therapy business asked me to build software to help manage their client and appointment information. He didn’t really have anything that worked well for his business.

I wasn’t able to help at the time but the initial seed was planted in my head – there was a need for a business software to manage appointments.

And then as I began to get more and more frustrated as a consumer trying to book my own appointments, I added 2 and 2 together and thought, hey, this could be a neat problem to try and solve.”

Mike Iwasiow, Bookedin Founder

Our Values

icon our story honesty

Open communication

We value openness and (sometimes brutal) honesty. Got something to say? We’d love to hear from you!

icon our story empathy


We know that running a small business is no simple task. We’re always trying to learn more about you and your customers so that we can make Bookedin’s appointment scheduling system solve your biggest challenges.

icon our story fulfillment

At your service

We believe the key to life is to be of service to other people. We love helping you and your business, so going the extra mile is something that just comes naturally to us.

new bookedin scheduling app team