Release 55.8 – New setup wizard

Desktop scheduler (web):

  • New: Redesigned setup wizard to make things easier for business owners
  • New: When finished setup wizard, people will see an in-app tour of the software
  • Improved: If someone hasn’t verified their email within 48 hours, automatically send another verification email
  • Improved: Verification email messaging
  • Improved: Added more “pre-filled” services to wizard for beauty industry
  • Improved: Account Logins screen layout
  • Improved: Business Type auto-suggest list should refer to industry names, not job titles/plurals
  • Fixed: In Activity section, the “New/rescheduled” filter was broken

Mobile app (iOS, Android):

  • Improved: We updated the iTunes keywords, description, subtitle to help people find BookedIN in the App Store.
  • Improved: New notification for people who haven’t verified their email within 48 hours 
  • Improved: If someone forgets to verify their email and is logged out of mobile app on day 3, we made it easier to log back in
  • Improved: Business Type auto-suggest list should refer to industry names, not job titles/plurals
  • Fixed: In Activity section, the “New/rescheduled” filter was broken

Online booking page (web):

  • Improved: Online booking page should be disabled until wizard is completed
  • Fixed: Issue with “add to calendar” button on appointment booking Thank You page 

Plus other minor improvements.
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