Are You Making This Client Retention Mistake?

A brand new client has just experienced your services for the first time, everyone was on their best behavior – – and it went awesome.

From the time she walked in everything clicked. You work hard at creating an atmosphere that makes your client know they’ve come to the right place. From the volume of the music, the feel of the seats and the way your staff uses her first name – it’s the small details that count.

But the moment she meets you the real experience begins. It’s as if you know exactly why she’s in your seat before she even begins talking – and that’s the real reason she chooses your business.

For the next hour she can’t believe how lucky she is to have found you and before you know it times up. So, how prepared are you to make that lasting impression? After all, people have pretty short memories, and once she’s out the door it’s on to the next part of her day.

Are you about to make a disastrous client retention mistake?

The most successful businesses have an unstoppable pre-booking strategy in place that keeps their ideal client coming back and it begins well before they’re on their way out the door.

Let us provide you with the information you need to build an airtight pre-booking strategy with a referral program that will help you sail right through those slow seasons!

Transform Your Client Retention with Pre-booking?

Competition is fierce in the service industry and it’s filled with talent that’s always on the look-out for new clients. New and value priced businesses are offering enticing deals and discounts to “come in and try out their services” at a rate that may be lower than yours. How do you rise above the “fight to the bottom” without having to offer promotions or sales you aren’t comfortable with?

It’s time to tap into the power of your current client traffic.

I’ll level with you, it’s human nature to be curious about what else is out there. And let’s be real – have you ever met anyone who didn’t love a bargain (Groupon anyone?)
So if you want to avoid the cycle of discounts and promotions you need to take charge of your clients when they’re right in front of you!

“If you can rebook 80% of your client traffic you will find yourself in the top 10% of all earners in the hair industry…Rebooking secures client retention and increases revenue.  Why would you not commit to being a master rebooker?” – Ivan Zoot

How to Create a Culture of Pre-Booking

Are you ready to make pre-booking a natural part of your business?  

First up, we’re going to create straight-forward system that will get your clients into the habit of pre-booking with you! That means it’s time to schedule a staff meeting to map out everything from scripting to timing and get your process smooth and natural  – let’s get this down to a science!

Here’s how this could work:

  1. Your client arrives and service begins.
  2. There’s a calendar posted right at your workstation that shows the next four-six weeks out (this “calendar” could take on different forms to fit your business/aesthetic). This lets your clients quickly see when you’re free.
  3. You’ve trained your staff to take note of the “slow times” during an appointment (this will vary depending on your industry). When that time pops up, they arrive and ask what times work best for your client’s next appointment using a booking app like Bookedin.
  4. Voila! Pre-booking success!

Now, it’s important to note that your clients comfort should always come first. This is where email marketing and setting clear expectations comes into play. Before a client steps into your business, they should be receiving an email from you. This communication can welcome them as a new client and also set them up with expectations on their first visit. You can use this email to get them excited about the experience and set your business up for success.

Why Incentive Isn’t a Dirty Word

We all love a deal, don’t we? I know “discounting” is a dirty word when it comes to the service industry and I’m not suggesting you cheapen your value in any way – I’m all for knowing your worth! However, if starting an “incentive” program would increase your pre-booking by 10, 20 even 30% wouldn’t you be up for trying it?  

I thought so. So, here’s the deal:

  1. If your clients book out for the year they get 10% off each appointment, or maybe they get 10% off products for the year
  2. For every three appointments they pre-book they get 20% off a color service
  3. When you refer a client you get 10% off your next appointment

I mean the options are endless and you need to determine (with feedback and tracking) what’s going to work best for your clients!

Is Your Business Prepared to Launch?

OK, it’s time to get real just for a moment.

Why aren’t you charging forward and launching that amazing referral program or pre-booking your clients into 2019? Do you need help getting your booking software set up? How’s your confidence level on what your business has to offer vs. your competition?

Now’s the perfect time for a little self-evaluation. When you’re launching a new process or program turning your evaluation inwards can be just what you need to start the ball rolling

Let’s Take the Next Step Together

You want your clients to have an easy way to pre-book, and they want a reminder about their appointments. Who’s going to remember something that’s happening 6 weeks from now? Do you have an online scheduler that will prepare you for that?

Well, if you don’t, I’ve got some great news for you. Sign up for Bookedin’s appointment scheduling software, with a 14 day free trial you can put pre-booking to work for your business! How many clients can you afford to lose?  Start building your pre-booking culture today!