Bookedin’s Got a New Look

We know its been a long time waiting but we are excited to announce that it’s here!

Our new suit is finally here!!!



That’s right, The Bookedin app refresh is here and ready to have you feeling like you just got a new suit. We felt things were getting a little, well… old, and needed a change. So we decided to shake things up and give Bookedin a snazzy new look, and we are very excited to show you. 

We think you’re gonna like what we came up with.




See! Doesn’t that look great? 

We wanted to give you a modern, high-quality feel, the same ones your customers experience when booking with you. We took the time to add some more color to help differentiate between calendars and while also improving the overall vibrance of your dashboard. We thought the combination of these improvements would bring some much needed new life to your day-to-day schedule.



We knew you’d like it. 

We’re looking to enhance your booking experience by improving the look and not adding anything new to learn, so you won’t have any trouble navigating your new profile or using the same features you’ve always loved. 

Login to your Bookedin page now to check out the new updates and see what we’re talking about. After that all you’ll need to do is simply sit back, relax and enjoy the new look of your Bookedin page.



While we are very happy with our new look we are always interested in hearing from our customers, so we’d love to have your feedback. Feel free to leave a review, we’d love to hear from you.