Booking clients in another time zone? We got you!

Ever booked an appointment with someone in a different time zone? Ever get caught trying to quickly do the conversion in your head….only to realize that their time zone is actually ahead of yours?

If you haven’t yet, chances are you will at some point. 

Remote work & virtual appointments have become the new normal. Many of us now work with and service people in different states and provinces. It is with this in mind that we decided we would save you and your clients the time (lol) and automatically convert all your appointment times to the correct time zone!

Now, your online booking page, client confirmations and reminders will all automatically adjust the time zone. This means if clients are booking virtual appointments from afar or travelling from out of town, the time zone is properly adjusted on their end.

The time zone feature is “on” by default for all Bookedin users and all plan levels. If you need to turn it off, here are the steps:

  1. Log in to Bookedin web:
  2. Go to Settings > Customize
  3. Turn off the setting “Allow clients to specify their own time zone when booking an appointment”

You can manually modify a client’s time zone if necessary: 

Via the client list:

Via any appointment: 

Mixing up time zones happens to us all from time to time (get it?!) so we just wanted to make sure we told you that we got you!! Appointments for your clients should be simple and easy, no calculators needed!