Ho Ho Holy Cow it’s Almost Christmas

And so we bid farewell to another year

Happy (almost) holidays everyone! This time of year has got us reflecting on the past and looking to the future. During the last 12 months, we’ve witnessed some pretty exciting things in the appointment scheduling software industry. We saw the trend continue to grow for those in beauty and wellness. With clients booking more and more appointments for hair, nails, skincare, tattoos, and all of those fabulous services to keep themselves looking fresh. This year, over 1.5 million appointments were booked through BookedIN! This is music to our ears as we prepare for another year of serving your businesses.

Join us in supporting suicide prevention

This holiday season, as a gesture of holiday goodwill, we’ve made a charitable donation to both Crisis Services Canada and Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the US. We know this time of year can be difficult for a lot of folks out there and these organizations provide incredibly important services year-round. If you’d like to join us in donating, please visit their websites:

Crisis Services Canada

Approximately 11 people in Canada die by suicide every day. That’s over 4,000 people a year, making suicide a leading cause of death in Canada. We can help prevent suicide with the right services. A donation to the Canada Suicide Prevention Service allows them to connect individuals in distress and individuals with suicidal thoughts with local Crisis Centres to receive immediate support.

Donate here: crisisservicescanada.ca/en/donate

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

In 2018, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline answered over 2.2 million calls from people across the United States. Your generosity helps them strengthen growing infrastructure, support Lifeline callers, and change the conversation around suicide prevention. Calls to the Lifeline are answered by a national network of local crisis centers. Crisis center counselors are the heroes of the Lifeline and need your help.

Donate here: suicidepreventionlifeline.org/donate

A bit of a 2019 recap

In the world of BookedIN, we made a change in January to rev up our marketing machine. We’re now writing consistently on our blog with the goal of helping you solve the challenges of running an appointment-based business. In January 2020, we’ll be hitting the road to a few conventions and we signed our very first Instagram influencer.

On the software development side, I’ll be honest, it was a challenging year. Our dev team ran into a few big hurdles, but with some amazing efforts, and the stamina of an entire flock of energizer bunnies, they gave our payments integration a much-needed overhaul, then added In-App Purchases to the mobile app (this was now required by Apple). Our whole team learned a valuable lesson in “the art of being patient” and getting to build the shiny new features we’d rather be working on. We’ve got big plans for the future and a MAJOR new update set to go live any day now.

In 2020 our entire team will be pushing even harder to continue to deliver you exceptional software and customer service that you’ll rely on for years and years to come.

BookedIN is turning ten!

In September 2020 we’ll be celebrating the big one-oh. Can you believe it’s been ten years already? Time is just flying by and we’re feeling very grateful to know many of our customers from way back in the early 2010’s are still using BookedIN. Patrick, one of our lead developers has been with the company almost the entire time, and the average length of service with our employees is nearly four years. Which is impressive considering Silicon Valley tech firms turnover their entire workforce every two years. Proof that it pays to let your employees work from home.

Thank you for your feedback

This year BookedIN received a tidal wave of five-star reviews on Capterra, Google Play, and the App Store. Every month our team gets together to read every single one and we feel super humbled by all the feedback you sent us. Every now and then we’ll get a review with something critical, but to be honest we love those the most. Our critics give us some of the best tips and they show us know where we need to keep working to improve. Keep the feedback coming!

From the entire BookedIN family to you:

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and wishing you and your business much prosperity in the new year!

PS: if you have a sec, please shout out your business in the comments. It’s our holiday wish that everyone in the BookedIN family could start following one another on Instagram & Facebook. Let’s show our support for each others businesses and help each other grow.