Learn the ropes with BookedIN 101

Whether you’re taking it for a test drive or getting everything configured just right, setting up new software can be a drag. (Even when it’s as simple as BookedIN.) There are a lot of resources out there to help you navigate the process but nothing is more effective than a guided tour.

These guided tours run every day and take you through the basics of setting up a BookedIN account. A member of the BookedIN team will teach you to add your users, resources and services, appointment scheduling, collect payments and a lot more. The basics take about 20 minutes and then we open the floor to questions.

If you’re considering BookedIN for your business you’ll get a more complete view of what we have to offer. If you’re a new user we can save you some setup time and answer any questions that have popped up during your first few days with the system. If you’ve been with us for a while you can learn all about the new features we’ve released lately and maybe even pick a few new tricks.

We love connecting with our users (and potential users!) so come spend a half hour with us whenever it works for you.