News features and new faces

If you’re a regular BookedIN user you probably haven’t noticed anything different lately, but looks can be deceiving. Between adding some new team members and working on our biggest new feature so far its been a perfect storm of activity behind the scenes. Heck, the new guy’s been working so hard we had to chain him to the air conditioner to keep him from passing out.

Okay, we only had to do that once, but Matt Connors is an incredible asset to the BookedIN team. As a top graduate of the University of Manitoba’s Computer Science program, we expected a lot from Matt and we got it. Matt’s talents are quickly helping to deliver more of the features you’ve been asking for including the upcoming release of our Merchant Services; the biggest new set of features to hit BookedIN since we launched two years ago.

It’s almost finished, and once it launches we’ll have a full rundown, but the biggest change is that you’ll be able to accept payments directly through BookedIN! It’s a feature you’ve been asking for since day one and we couldn’t be more excited about giving it to you! Keep an eye on the blog and your accounts because all the details will be available shortly.

In addition to beefing up the technical team, we’re also very happy to announce George Wilhelm as our new Marketing Director. George has a knack for understanding customers needs and an impressive record of helping small businesses succeed. His responsibility at BookedIN is simple:

“make sure our products and services provide real value for small business and make their life just a little bit easier.” 

I know I always say that there’re big things on the horizon for BookedIN, but that’s because there usually are. We’ve got merchant services almost ready to roll, a ton of new talent and most importantly, one hell of an air conditioning unit to keep us cool through the summer heat!
As always, we’re hungry for your feedback and support. Feel free to tell us what you need to see in BookedIN and/or welcome the new team members in the comments below.

-Cody P.