Recurring Appointments Are Here – Finally!

Ring the bell, bang the drum, recurring appointments are here!

If you’ve got loyal clients and customers, now you can book their appointments repeating in your calendar daily, weekly, or monthly!

This is going to save you a whole lotta typing.

With all this extra time savings, you’ll need to find a new hobby. May we suggest mastering the art of meditation, or (our fave) taking your whole team out for celebratory quesadillas.

Related How to Build a Business that Stands Out (and Thrives)

How to book recurring appointments

I know you’re itching to get your regular clients set up with recurring appointments, so here’s how it’s done:

  1. Log in to your Bookedin appointment scheduler (web, iPhone, Android)
  2. Click on any existing appointment or book a new one.
  3. You’ll see a shiny new “Repeat” drop-down menu near the top. Click on “Repeat” to set up recurring daily, weekly, monthly, or custom schedule. Then set the end-date (optional).
  4. Add the client info, service, jot down any notes you might need…
  5. Click “Book It” and BOOM you’re all set!

how to book recurring appointments online

Who can use recurring appointments?

This new feature is live and ready to take for a test drive! It’s included in our free 30-day trial and added free for all monthly/annual Bookedin customers. So go ahead and start booking recurring appointments ’til the cows come home. Whether you’re an existing customer (hugs) or new to the Bookedin family (welcome!), you can simply sign in or sign up today and take recurring appointments for a spin.

Can my clients book recurring appointments online?

Nope. We’ve put you in the driver’s seat of this feature as the manager of your business.

Your clients can only book single appointments on your public online booking page. If after that first appointment, you decide to lock things in for the long haul, you can book any individual client for a recurring appointment.

Who is this for?

Recurring appointments are happening across all industries; in fact, it’s one of the easiest ways to build up a loyal clientele.

Not sure how it’s relevant to you? Here’s how recurring bookings will save time in your industry:

Let’s look at tattoo shops as an example. Say you have a client getting a full sleeve. Rather than relying on your client remembering to book a new appointment every 4-6 weeks, you can now book them out for a set number of appointments until your masterpiece is complete. Easy-peasy.

Massage Therapists—many of your clients come to you with sports injuries that require weekly appointments; now, instead of having to input these every time, your clients can have a standing date with you!

Barber Shops & Hair Salons—having repeat business to your barbershop & hair salon means a sharp increase in revenue. Now you can utilize recurring appointments for clients who tend to forget they need to get that trim or touch up those highlights. From a client perspective, you’re taking the annoying task of making multiple appointments for a year off their plate!

Personal Trainers—you’ll have the option to schedule your clients into regular time slots (daily, weekly, or monthly). This will give your client a sense of commitment as they’ll be “signing up” for recurring appointments with you.

Related 11 Overlooked Ways to Book More Personal Training Clients

Quick sidebar: Is it called “reoccurring” or “recurring”?

For all you grammar nerds out there, reoccur and recur are verbs that share a common root word. And even though they’re very close in meaning, they’re actually not quite the same.

According to Grammarly, here’s how they’re different: an event that’s recurring happens over and over again, possibly at regular intervals. In contrast, an event that’s reoccurring is one that repeats at least one time, but not necessarily more than that.

🌠The more you know…

What took us so darn long?

We know you’re thinking about it. And we heard your feedback…all of it.

When we decided to let our Bookedin family know we were launching recurring appointments an eternity ago, we spoke too soon. You see, we were so excited that we forgot how easy it can be to fall behind schedule—and how difficult it can be to explain that to you.

But finally, after the blood, sweat and sleepless nights, it’s here. And we hope the recurring appointments feature was worth the wait. Please let us know what you think in the comments.