How getting personal paid off for this trainer

Finding the motivation to get active is one of the biggest hurdles for people when it comes to fitness, which might explain why Nick McAuliffe of NickFit Personal Training has been so successful. He started his personal trainer business in Cheyenne, Wyoming and is currently completing a PhD in psychology. He’s clearly got motivation to spare and puts it to good use for his clients.

Finding a career that fits

Nick has been focused on personal training for three years but he also has almost a decade of total experience. He started his own business as a way to combine his motivational skills and passion for fitness with the freedom to pursue his PhD.

He works Tuesday through Thursday, handles 30 appointments per week, and acts as the executive trainer for the local Fitness One location. It affords him the support and facilities to run his business, and it also illustrates something that small business owners often overlook: that there’s more than one way to run a business. Figure out what you want and build your business to match that ideal.

Getting personal
“Personal training has lost the ‘personal’ over the last 10 years,” says Nick. “I like to work on the person as much as their fitness.”

Nick sees the value in taking a psychological approach to fitness, and his clients are definitely responding to it. His retention rate is over 90%, which has gone a long way towards alleviating one of his early challenges.

Personal training – and fitness/wellness in general – is a crowded space and Nick realized early the finding a way to differentiate himself and keep things fresh would be important for the long term viability of his business. His solution was to become a trusted partner for his clients, which was something the big fitness chains couldn’t offer.

Providing value

It’s a market that’s saturated with competitors, and Nick also realized that it can be difficult for customers to sort the good advice from the bad. “Another challenge is helping people filter through all of the information that’s out there,” says Nick.

Whether it’s sending out interesting blog entries, deciphering fitness jargon, or just helping his clients sort through the flood of conflicting information, Nick’s personal connection to his clients has earned him a loyal client base. It’s a lesson that any business trying to separate itself from the crowd can learn.

Nick is the first BookedIN user we’ve highlighted on Talking Shop but he’s also an example of how technology—no matter what it is—can benefit a small business. You can visit his website and find him on FacebookFor more small business stories and other useful tips, follow BookedIN on Twitter, Facebook or Google+. Try our personal trainer booking software risk free!