Make some noise when you make a change

When you add something to your business – from adding online booking to offering additional services – you’re facing a paradox. Your existing clients stand to benefit the most but they’re also the least likely to notice. You might take appointments on Facebook now (Thanks to BookedIN, perhaps?) but they have your website bookmarked. You might start offering spa services, but they only call when they want a haircut. You need to make a little noise to get customers – old and new – to take notice of anything you add to your business!

Start Up The Marketing Machine

Adding awesome new options creates a perfect opportunity to do some advertising. It can be as simple as in-store displays and an email to your existing customers or as complicated as ads in the local media. Either way, people pay more attention when you’ve got something new to tell them about.
Protip: If you’re really looking for a way to make the most of your changes, space them out to keep generating interest in your business.

Offer Incentives

If you’ve ever seen someone order ‘the usual’ you have an idea how easy it is to get stuck in a rut. You need to give people a little push into trying something new, which can be as simple as offering 10% off the first time they book online. You can check out our last post for some other solid promotion ideas, which pair perfectly with new additions to your business.

Talk To Your Customers

It’s the easiest option on the list but it’s the one that gets missed most often. If you’ve got something new and exciting going on in the business, tell your customers about it! Don’t assume they saw the sign above the cash register, visited your Facebook page or opened the email you sent. Encourage them to book online or try whatever new service you’re offering. It’ll only take a few seconds and it will have a huge impact.
To see this advice in action, keep a close eye on your BookedIN account, our website or our Facebook page. We’ve got some fantastic features on the horizon and we won’t be shy about letting you know when they arrive!