Now Live: Payment Processing Overhaul

We just launched a new and improved online payments system! The Bookedin appointment scheduling & PayPal overhaul is now complete making things smoother, faster, and easier for your clients when they pay for appointments online.

This was a big one

  • Fixed issues many clients were having when paying for appointments online using mobile phones
  • Eliminated problems with the PayPal screen “freezing” for some clients
  • Got rid of an issue where “pending” appointments were blocking the calendar for too long
  • Got rid of some confusing steps in the business setup

Big shout outs to our beta testing group! We couldn’t have done this without you. Your effort over the past few weeks helped us to get everything perfect and ready for the entire user-base to enjoy. 💯

Ready to take it for a test drive? Log in to Bookedin now to connect or update your PayPal account. Be sure to update to the latest version of our iPhone & Android app too.

Related How to Set Up Your Services for Online Scheduling

Easy-peasy online payments 💵

Here’s how it works: When your clients book an appointment online, they’ll first see the option to pay via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, or Discover. Next, they’ll see a beautifully redesigned payment screen that looks great on any device, where they can pay for their appointment quickly and easily.

Step 1: Clients see payment message when they book 

online appointment scheduling page for clients

Step 2: Clients choose the payment method

pay for appointments online with bookedin

Step 3: Clients pay online for their appointment

paypal guest checkout for online appointments with bookedin

Using the old PayPal? Here’s how to switch:

[Edit: July 11, 2019] The big switch over is now totally complete, so no homework for you. Hooray!

If you’re currently using online payments with BookedIN, you’ve got a tiny bit of housekeeping to do. But don’t worry, switching is easy. All you need to do is log in to Bookedin web, iPhone or Android and then re-authorize PayPal. You’ll automatically see a prompt next time you log in, and we’ll walk you through the steps.

If you’re brand new to Bookedin, there’s no need to switch. Our free 30-day trial includes all features including this new payment system, so sign up now and give it a whirl. Booking appointments online will save you a tremendous amount of time and headaches. And who doesn’t love getting paid while they sleep?

Related How to Increase Revenue Without Working Overtime

Thanks for your patience 🙏

We want to thank everyone for their patience with this overhaul. It took our team a lot longer than anticipated, and we’ve spent many months going back and forth with PayPal and testing things to get everything upgraded and perfected for you. We want to ensure booking online and paying for appointments is totally seamless and painless for both you and your clients.

Got any feedback for us?

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us what you think of the new online payments feature in the comments below, or hit us up via email.