Three Lies and a Truth About Appointment Scheduling Software

You love being in business for yourself. But you weren’t so prepared for the pressure to be #allthethings.

Now you’re overwhelmed with must-do’s, learn now’s and change immediately’s.

It’s exhausting trying to decipher what shiny objects to let into your business. You’re left crossing your fingers. Will they solve your headaches or push you over budget for the month?

Does it need to be this difficult?

Believe it or not, there’s a simple solution that addresses your list of daily gripes; from overly complex client service to no-shows: online appointment scheduling software.

You know deep down to stay out ahead of your competition, you’re gonna have to address your old-school objections head-on. No more avoiding new tech because it makes you sweat, or sticking with your old routines cause it’s safe. There’s a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to appointment scheduling software, so we thought it would be a good time to knock ’em down one by one.

Let’s play three lies and a truth—scheduling app style.

Lie #1 – Appointment scheduling software is too expensive.

appointment scheduling is too expensive

“Having client bookings and information at my fingertips has proven to be invaluable on more than one occasion. The Booked In-app makes the desktop service even more worth every penny I have spent on the service.” — Nancy Beaty, Owner, NB Photography

Whether you run your own shop or work as an independent contractor the feeling of juggling a million things at once is real. Being your #ownboss is exhausting.

One of the biggest considerations you make as a party of one is budget. You try to design a system that balances the flow of clients with smart investments into your business. I think all of you would say it feels a tad risky every time you put down that credit card. Whether it’s to run a Facebook ad, nab a spot at your dream convention or enroll in a class to upgrade your skills.

There’s never a guarantee you’ll see a return on investment. {<= at least not in the form of sweet, sweet dollar bills that is.}

But let’s get real. You’re not really buying a spot at the next big convention, you’re “buying” the chance to network with top creators in your industry and to increase your word of mouth. Whether or not you see immediate “dollars in the bank,” the experience is worth the price of admission, right?

What about your current choice of appointment booking—a scheduling book and pen? Believing that: “Online appointment scheduling is too expensive for me right now” just isn’t true.

You work in an industry notorious for no-shows and last-minute cancellations. What would you estimate your shop loses in a month due to clients’ bailing? $500, $275, $1000? Switching to online appointment scheduling could put a stop to these losses for a fraction of that cost per month.

Related: Tired of No-Show Appointments? 5 Reasons Why Your Clients Keep Bailing

Not only will you cut no-shows/cancellations but you gain control over your services, confidence in your ability to set boundaries and relief you have a safety net in place for each client booking.

I love the BookedIN app so much!! I’ve been using the app for the past couple of years. You guys have made my life easier for me professionally and for a great price! I’ve tried other booking systems and I wasn’t satisfied, you rock!” — Knavia Smith, Owner, @knaviakutz

Lie #2: An online booking app will slow down my productivity

get more productive with appointment scheduling

I just love the Bookedin scheduler. My daughter sought out an online scheduler to assist us with time management. We started our free trial, and just in time, our business took off literally overnight (booked approx 50 appts in 48 hours). BookedIN saved our scheduling sanity.” — Deborah Farquharson, Owner, Bubbly & Co Lashes

Look, I get it. As an independent contractor you often need to be:

  • Marketing Specialist
  • Web designer
  • Writer
  • Photographer
  • Therapist {<== you’ll never be paid enough for this}

And that’s on top of your *actual* day job as a tattoo artist, hairstylist, barber…and so on. The point is, the thought of throwing one more log into an already raging fire is unattractive at best. To be successful; organization and productivity need to be high on your list of things to do.

So, before you dismiss adding another title to your repertoire {<== Online booking ninja ⚔️}, have a look at what Russell said about adding online appointment scheduling software into his business plan:

“This booking software not only gave me almost ¹/3 of my time back from manually booking people and taking deposits from them on my day to day routine, but it also made scheduling for my client’s way easier!” — Russell M. – Tattoo Artist

You see, there are apps out there that’ll destroy your goal of getting more time back in your day. YouTube for example. The inevitable rabbit hole of auto-play cat videos. But there are also platforms that exist to help you manage your time, reduce overwhelm and breathe a sigh of relief at the end a long day. That’s where appointment scheduling software comes in:

This app has many options all that helped me organize my schedule. My clients find it easy to book appointments and it’s easy to change your schedule prices.” — Exquisite Lash

Imagine a world where your clients can book any time of day without hassling you. They’d receive automatic confirmations and could make scheduling changes on their own. What would it look like to see an end to the back and forth conversations you’re forced to have, all while trying to enjoy dinner with your family? If you focus on adding the right technology into your business you’ll regain control over your boundaries.

Related Post: The Ultimate Guide to Online Appointment Scheduling

Lie #3: Switching to online appointment scheduling is too complicated

online scheduling could be an epic fail

BookedIN has made a huge positive change in my business. I love how simple the platform is for everyone; myself and my clients to navigate. And my business income has boosted since I began using it. All in all this program is definitely worth it.” —Brandy Burgans, Private studio owner

Do you find yourself on the verge of tossing your laptop through the front window of your shop after yet another tech meltdown?

How about experiencing the brain-twisting pain of figuring out how to set up the latest & greatest app to grow your business?

If you’re not a digital native it can feel disheartening to look out onto the landscape of tools professing to make your life easier, when in fact they make you want to stick your head in the sand and move on.

It’s easier to leave your systems as they are—no matter how time-sucking—because you’re comfortable. But what if your appointment scheduling software could be different?

“I have been using this program for the past 7 years. I was nervous to move to an online booking calendar but would never look back. BookedIN is very easy to figure out and user friendly. We have recently taken advantage of the online booking for clients and it has been very popular.” — Apple App Store Reviewer

You’d get the convenience of:

  • Online appointment booking (stop stressing about missing calls & texts from your clients to book)
  • Automatic appointment reminders for your clients (save time by handing off reminders)
  • Up-front payments (security knowing your clients have paid)

It’s easy to keep plugging along fearing the advancements that come with technology—but positive change is worthwhile, no matter how intimidating. Especially when the technology in question prides itself on being simple to use and painless to learn, even if you’re allergic to tech. {<== FYI, BookedIN was voted “Best Ease of Use” by Capterra in 2019}

BookedIN has saved me so much time and the payment/deposit integration is fantastic. I’m a big fan of simplicity and functionality, and this site has both to the max.” — Mishone Feigin, Photographer

Don’t let yourself (or your business) fall behind because your inner voice keeps telling you: “I’m no good at this computer stuff.” After all, there’s an app out there for that ^^^.

Related: Is There a Perfect Scheduling App Out There?

Truth: BookedIN can help you grow your business minus the chaos

your business is chaotic. online appointment scheduling can help

“I’ve been using BookedIN for almost 2 years and is a total game-changer in my industry of tattooing. It helps keep me organized and allows clients to look ahead at dates to book. Let’s plan around your growing schedule and that’s why I’ve recommended it to some of my friends.” — Lolly Canela, Immortal Ink

What’s holding you back from growing your business?

At the end of a long day, it can seem insurmountable to take on ONE. MORE. THING. But, what if that tiny addition could be a game-changer for your business? The BookedIN appointment scheduling app lets you chase your dreams on the go. We’ll help you end the stress of managing appointments so you can get back to building your business.

I’m a small business owner and ever since I got BookedIN my business has grown, my clients love the convenience of booking directly and the best part is that they can share my page and refer me.” — Karolina Saavedra, DOLLFACEBYKARO

“How are you going to help me grow my business exactly?” Glad you asked.

As a business owner or independent contractor there are several things you need for success:

  • Effective time-management
  • A solid support team
  • Organization
  • Reliable tech
  • Budget-friendly tools

Check, check and check! {<== ohh, that feels good!} We’ll be here for all your growing pains—the good, the bad and the *too hot to handle.* Look no further than Ramona Oltean of Lemoni Beauty Clinic to see what change looks with BookedIN:

“Love it !!!! I’ve had Bookedin for over a year now and I have to say I absolutely love it. Before Bookedin I was losing clients because I couldn’t always answer the phone in my spa. Now my clients can book anytime they want online and they get confirmations and reminders.”

Who doesn’t need help with organization, finding the extra family time or growing their business?

While there’s no *quick fix* when it comes to building a solid path to success, you’ll need to take a few chances to find your way. BookedIN’s appointment scheduling software might be sitting right outside your comfort zone, but may also be the missing puzzle piece you need to feel in control.

If you’re ready to find out, sign up for our 30-day free trial today and discover the “no sweat, no trouble” solution to your appointment scheduling needs.