New calendar options for faster, simpler booking

Living in the now is great, but it’s always nice to know what’s happening tomorrow, next week or even next month. That’s why we’re proud to announce BookedIN’s new weekly and monthly viewing options!

With the click of a button you’ll now be able to switch from the existing daily view to one that will show you the whole week or month. You’ll even be able to choose which resources you want to display.

The full-week view will show you all of your bookings for the week, while the full-month view will simply show you which days you have bookings. These at-a-glance views make it easier than ever to quickly check your availability and take bookings in-person or over the phone.

You’ll also see your color-coded resources and can switch between them with a click, making  it easier to view a large number of resources and keep tabs on your whole operation. It goes hand-in-hand with the full-week and month views to make your business easier to organize, operate and oversee!

Whether you need to check availability for a client, book an appointments for next month, or if just need to know when you’re safe to take a day off this summer–BookedIN’s  new calendar options are there to make your appointment scheduling life simpler!