Tattoo Shop Owner Ends Double-Booking with Online Scheduling App

Meet Angel, Owner of Guardian Art Gallery in Orange, Connecticut.

We had the pleasure of interviewing our long-time customer Angel Caban this week. He told us all about why he uses appointment scheduling software for his tattoo shop and how it instantly solved his troubles with double-bookings. Bookedin keeps their calendar full and client-load steady, eliminating their scheduling headaches.

Watch the video below or just scroll on down to read the transcript.

Why did Angel choose Bookedin for appointment scheduling?

Angel had tried a ton of tattoo booking app, some were strong in certain areas, but lacking in others. Bookedin had everything pulled together—it was easy to use & simple to install. With Bookedin’s ability to perform across all platforms, Angel’s life became less hectic and his tattoo shop began running smoothly.

How did online booking change Angel’s life?

Double bookings instantly eliminated. No more tension-filled run-ins between two clients. And — perhaps even more important, the shop is steady. No more sitting around for hours on end twiddling their thumbs waiting for a client.

You can read our full interview with Angel below:


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Photo Credit:@ab_iv | @guardian_photography

Tell me a bit about how your tattoo shop got started.

Well, I’ve been working for over 15 years, and I’ve been working for a couple of shops, and it was pretty much time for us to just start our own thing. My wife and I decided, and here we are.

What challenges were you experiencing in your business that led you to look for a solution like Bookedin?

Everything we did was by hand, so appointments were held in a notebook by hand in calendars on computers, and everything was scattered all over the place. Nice thing about Bookedin, it was all in one, so I was able to make my appointments and to even take payments, so everything came together all in one, which was really nice.

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What made you choose Bookedin over other products on the market?

I’ve tried SO many products, some were very strong in certain areas, which I liked about it, but it was lacking somewhere else. Bookedin really had everything pulled together. Uh, easy to use, easy to install. It works across all platforms. Which made my life easier, made the shop’s life easier, and we just took the from there.

My wife, she does all the bookings, upfront, so she’ll use the desktop. If we’re in the back with a client will use the mobile unless we bring them up to the front. So definitely versatile in using both.

What specific improvements have you seen as a result of using Bookedin?

We saw improvements instantly. One of the biggest things is double-booking. It’s the worst thing you could do is double-book, you will have two clients out there fighting for position and you don’t want that. This eased that tension. There are settings in there where it won’t let you double-book… And so it also reminds them of their appointments in case I set up something, and it’s two months away. It won’t let them forget and if something does come up that they have to reschedule, I have enough time to get someone else in.

I try to make it a point to call them and remind them, but even sometimes if I write the wrong number down or anything like that, it gets lost. And with this, the second you set up an appointment, it immediately sends them that text confirming it. So I know everything is good, I don’t have to worry about it.

It’s just horrifying to be at the shop eight hours a day and do nothing. With this, it keeps you busy. So if something comes up that someone can make it, you have at least… You can set the terms. You have a week to two days to actually fill that spot in. It’s so easy, it’s always easy to do. And because of that, I haven’t had that time to sit around. The shop has been nice and steady.

I’ll set something up and then it’ll be three months from now. I could forget, they could forget. It keeps us all in the loop and it keeps us consistent with all of our work.

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What would you tell other tattoo shops who are experiencing similar challenges like you were?

Honestly, I would tell them, “Don’t wait just do it. If you procrastinate it, you’re gonna lose out, everything is there for you to use everything works and they’ll be wasting time if they don’t use it, try it out, even if you do a trial, I’m sure you will fall in love with it and start using it consistently.”

Do you have anything else to add?

Don’t waste time, try it out, it’s worth it, it’ll change your whole shop’s perspective.

Ready to take online appointment scheduling for a spin at your tattoo shop? Click here to start your free trial.